👋🏼 Hi, my name is Spriha Jha

🇮🇳 Currently working remotely from India with a passion for coding stunning UI/UX workflows to life.

👩🏻‍💻 Experienced Software Engineer focusing on the front-end with a demonstrated history of working in the telecommunications industry, with a recent transition to the real estate industry. Alongside, I volunteer for various pro bono projects with non-profit organizations. I've been working with DataKind and Code for America as a Developer and also serve as a Judge at FIRST Robotics Competitions.

💻 As for my future, I hope to one day work as a Data Scientist and work with a diverse team. In the next few years, I aspire to pursue a Master's degree in the Data Science field.

🧑‍🍳👩‍🎨 In my free time, you can find me baking cakes and making digital illustrations.

💪🏼 Strong engineering professional skilled in Front-end Development and UI/UX Design prototyping. Proficient in coding in JavaScript, Python, and Java. Well-versed with React, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, MongoDB, Alexa Skills Kit, and Tableau.

LinkedIn @sprihajha
GitHub @sprihajha
Instagram @sprihajha
Email jha.spriha@gmail.com

© Spriha Jha.